Friday, May 18, 2012

Sources of Tattoo Designs

Ideas for tattoo designs comes from the abstract and surreal art forms of our day. The Artists perception comes from experience and creativeness of there work. Placements of many tattoo designs are crucial to the perception of the public, with out proper placement it can actually hurt the art work itself, no matter how good piece may be. Tattoo designs have been thought to be an emotional traffic jam that has to be expressed though the canvasses of human tissue. How else can a person who has a tattoo can express there inner self to anyone without a piece of tattoo artwork to sway your mind into great thought. Tattoos give people a deeper look into the world of the human mind as well, its like a physiology lesson that must be interpreted though art. The greatest creation man can create is the art that comes from the heart of emotion that comes to life though an image. People from all over the world try to convey how do images of there day influence the tattoo artist and how to interpret them through the many art forms. Sure art comes and in many forms and art can even influence society. Its how society accepts and understands the objective of art and how to use that in there daily lives.