Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tattoo Relations

Imagine getting involved in a Murder Homicide or a burglary /Robbery within your own home town all because you have something the law enforcement is looking for. What that is ? Well its you Tattoo actually! Lets hope that never happens though.People think that it couldn't happen to them but the chances that it possibly could. Considering one main reason is that people who love tattoos often like using images that are circulating through the hobby already.
Authenticity is important to anyone I'm sure but the hobby has so many people involved that good quality images are being diluted. Seeking images that are genuine are hard to come by if they aren't made by your own hand. People often rely on there own resources. Giving insight into the hobby and your self is to illustrate your own art work orchestrated.Its to my understanding that all criminals have there tattoos registered into the polices database for references. And most tattoo shops are required to document there work for many reasons as well.
Tattoo art is a form of art and expression, but can also be used for identification and classification purposes as well.

With Tattoo industry evolving it can distinguish the citizens from the illegal immigrants ? Who knows it can change the way this country works? We heard about tattoo medical warnings as well, helping to assist people who need medical assistance when they are incapacitated. Seeking people though the art they associate them selves with is already a reality. Its only in time when society will change , and so will the art it associates its self with , when tattooing. Look at History , clearly shows that in time art changes, and so will the perspective of people as well. An evolving Tattoo History, shaping into something that we can only speculate.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Psychotic Art's Transformation

Sure everyone is an artist in one form or another, just that art can only really be appreciated though the eyes of the beholder. There are so many art expressions that its even confusing to comprehend sometimes what the artist is really going for in a particular piece. Same conception applies to an tattoo artists work. Not all Tattoo artists regard every artist a master nor even to relevant to the field at all. Tattoos can be very a complicated piece of art work, through shadowing and layout.
If an artist took out his artwork to be looked out by numerous tattoo patrons there is bound to be some interest. Everyone has there own agenda when it comes to the intro art into the tattoo world. Art is what Art is and can be and will be used how ever the people feels it should with little regards to how anyone feels about it.
Stories of Tattoo Artists that where killed by there patrons, because they would not put a particular artwork on them.Understanding that art can become an emotional matter to anyone can be a dangerous for anyone who doesn't think so. Keeping an open mind to art in general is always good to the people around you .

Monday, November 22, 2010

Historic Comparision!

If I went into a time travel and brought back A head Hunter , an Egyptian emperor, Hawaiian King, some other cultural civilizations that have a tattoo relation to the hobby. Then get them all to see what the tattoo designs are out now. I wonder if they would convey to consider any of today's tattoo images. Artwork is looked at to a limited number of designs then in the past, much different than today where there are vast libraries of images to consider in any cultural field.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The SocialTattoo

Its the kind of Tattoo that is noticed through the social networks on the internet, Through social networks people are about to gather in mass's to really appreciate the good art out there and people can really share more than just a few words but there image to there groups of friends or through there groups as well. Through these networks like Face book and even Twitter people can get a bigger than life experience. Through social networking people would be able to get a better idea as to images that they have not considered before or information about a up coming tattoo artist that has some good work behind him.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tattoo that comes to LIFE!

Its only but a metaphor, but its as real as it gets when its something that comes to life in your mind. Every tattoo is created for some purpose and that's to imply something or someone. Its the creation process that takes time and patience for every tattoo artist. the magic of tattoo images is that you have to visually imagine everything before it actually takes place. People have to visualize the image they want on them before  it actually happens.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Making the Mark ~3 TopTattoo Designs

Tattoo Designs are the most sought after pictures on the internet and even in the tattoo industry. Its finding that right image for that particular individuals taste. Without a Vast venue of tattoo images to accommodate the demand there wouldn't be any interest at all.
        The number one tattoo designs have been the Tribal tattoos giving it the all time demand ,
Tribal tattoos have giving the the youth the most attention is why this is, it s unique marks conveys the body so well as it illustrates its form into its subjects.Many have chosen this form based on how the many tribal images seem to connect with each on so many levels , almost like a jigsaw puzzle.
        Second comes in with the Dragon tattoos which was number one till the early ninety's. This particular image imply s so many quality's mixed into one. With its mythical and magical impressions to captivate you is what these images suggest. Like so many tattoos, Dragon tattoos images have so many forms that it doesn't have to be a serious mark either, but many would prefer it would be.
        Third would have to be the the Cross Tattoos which have been of great interest for centuries. Its connections to the Historians views of the bible and Christianity Have given people an insight to the people of  a religious connections . Many that wear these images would like to refer as to these as a connection to god or spiritual ties. Cross tattoos have been mentioned many times in the books of the ancient times even before Christ.
There are so many other tattoo designs and styles of artwork that are integrated into tattoo designs that its an ever changing industry making it evolve into something much more different in time.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Your Tattoo Adventures!

Every once in a while people storm in from many parts of the World to visit a Tattoo Artist, about a particular tattoo that they are interested in. My admiration's to all those people who put there own ideas and art work to use in the creation of there tattoo design. That's exactly what it takes , putting your own energy into the artwork and decisions on how you want everything done. Creating your own personal designs and images makes your own tattoo creation more unique than any other.You may also find some great designs that Professional artists have at tattoo conventions across the US. Soon you will find yourself in love with what you've chosen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Angel Tattoos

The one tattoo that will ultimately rejuvenate  and uplift your soul is the Angel Tattoo . Its design has been not just a religious connection but of a connection to new beginnings of people who have troubled lives and history. Putting a new perspective on what is important in your life and the people you surround yourself with. We all are searching for a greater meaning to our lives weather it be within our selves or with a stronger connection to a spiritual way. Finding a who you are and what your capable of doing can be illustrated through art and what art represents and that may be the tattoo of an angel.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tattoo fundamentalism

Are you looking into a tattoo , or are you a tattoo spectator . Its a sport too as well, with all the collectors of the world coming together at tattoo conventions. Collectors purpose is identify the many tattoos and understand there meaning to classify them. Many professional law enforcement officers have this particular job, forensics for one. Too understand a tattoo gos a long way from once its put on an individual to the day they die actually, it all depends on the reasoning in most cases for classification purposes. You might say that some tattoo parlors take pictures of there patrons as well for there own records too. Most cases though its to show off there skills to other potential patrons that would like to see the tattoo artists previous work.
So if your looking into a tattoo make sure you research your options and take a look at the conventions as well they have many professional artists there who will be more than willing to recommend what would be best for your specific needs.
With the over the top tattoo shows you can also see the behind the scenes of  what happens in the tattoo process as well. Its for your benefit when you expose your self to what is offered in the entertainment side of the industry and what the conventions offer as well so you can have a broad view of what is out there. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Animal Tattoos Perceptions

Tatttos have that impression to really get under your skin in way that its giving some other impression to other people that are exposed to it. Its only natural that is the case, because everyone is after all, have there own perception of images.
For instance images of animals can be used to describe the many characteristcs of the the human behavior or human need to desire power, strength , and knowledge.
Its only natural to be who you are in way that you see fit to let the world see who you are, through animal tattoos. Maybe through an inspirational motivated way of giving your self that edge you need to have something by your side always to get you through the tough times you are feeling or a never ending emotional push to get you through life as you know it.
What ever the need may be , through an animal tattoo you will find that the animal tattoo can give you power emotionally , driving you to what ever life throws your way.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tattoo Crimes

I know what the heck a tattoo crime, what the hell is that suppose to mean? Well its an expression of someone that breaks the law and is identified with what is most commonly associated with the individual. Of course it would have too be what is the obvious, what people see and catches their eye. Its a wonder to me and to many people that are , well just say criminals, why would they make it so obvious to labeling yourself to a crime that you have committed. And it all comes down to one conclusion, they obviously don't care if they get caught. So all in all its not my kind of crime ill be committing for sure. The only crime ill be committing in the long run would be letting people get bad tattoos.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tattoo World

Many people from many parts of the world have there own perspective on what the hobby has to offer, but what really counts is how you see it yourself. Tattoo images have always been on the forefront of the hobby as well as the people who put them on you. Its only fitting to have a experianced tattoo artist get you inked but in many cases that isn't always true.
Looking in the past we see many historians talk about sailers and pirates and many mysterious figures with tattoos and what they did to make history themselves with there own actions in life. Making history is one thing but becoming history is another. Meaning that we are in present time and what we do with the time we got is the most important aspect of all. So just because we don't live in the ancient times dos not mean we have to live like them either by not going out too see your local professional Tattoo Artist and what wonders you may find.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Affordable Tattoo

Questions that have been wondering in your head, "can i afford to get the tattoo I want?" It's all about how bad you want it, and weather or not getting the particular tattoo is going to really take a punch in your budget. I am hearing clients tell me that what they desire as to what they can afford and the conclusion to this is that if you feel that you must have something that is expensive , save up for it. Don't just dive right in and get your self in a hole, where you cant live because of a tattoo. There is also Tattoo Artists who will work with you too make installments, finishing your tattoo into a series of steps to accommodate you and your budget. From the prospective of a Tattoo Artist its only natural for patrons to rush into something they want and its usually not a good feeling when I feel that, its not something they have thought it over enough about make that solid decision about. Its a mutual feeling to have a good experience and feeling after helping an individual find what they want and help them through the process.  Happy Tattooing to you !
Photos is from web site http://www.studiozee.com/davephotos3.html