Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Psychotic Art's Transformation

Sure everyone is an artist in one form or another, just that art can only really be appreciated though the eyes of the beholder. There are so many art expressions that its even confusing to comprehend sometimes what the artist is really going for in a particular piece. Same conception applies to an tattoo artists work. Not all Tattoo artists regard every artist a master nor even to relevant to the field at all. Tattoos can be very a complicated piece of art work, through shadowing and layout.
If an artist took out his artwork to be looked out by numerous tattoo patrons there is bound to be some interest. Everyone has there own agenda when it comes to the intro art into the tattoo world. Art is what Art is and can be and will be used how ever the people feels it should with little regards to how anyone feels about it.
Stories of Tattoo Artists that where killed by there patrons, because they would not put a particular artwork on them.Understanding that art can become an emotional matter to anyone can be a dangerous for anyone who doesn't think so. Keeping an open mind to art in general is always good to the people around you .

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