Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sports and There Ink that Marks the Game

We all watch sports , well most Americans do and while we watch our games we also notice players tattoos being flashed. In the young minds especially are influenced to think that tattoos would be something cool to have. The whole lifestyle of celebrities are then subjected upon our youth. Not saying that its a good thing or bad not its just that the impressions they make plays a big role in minds of people. With every tattoo that is visible usually there is a story to be told. It would seem that every player on the team has to have one otherwise it would be awkward. I have noticed that every possible star on any team , in any sport has a mark. I wonder if the players on these teams influence each other to get inked, which I'm sure. Will players be subject to disclose all there marks to the media when ever they are being scrutinized or interviewed. For as long its out there for the world to see, people will ask questions.

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